Group Therapy

 Blog By Hailey Dalton

Learning Objectives

  1. Learn what group therapy really is about and how effective it is. 
  2. Help others understand how group therapy is a safe place for individuals to go.
  3. Learn what to expect if you ever go to group therapy

Interview with a certified group therapist 

  1. How many weeks is group therapy? Depending on the therapist/therapists that is leading it can range from 12 through 13 weeks.

  2. What can someone expect when coming to group therapy? They can expect to laugh and cry, even laugh while you cry. It really is just meant to be a safe space for each individual that attends where they can feel comforted and validated in the things that have happened to them. They can expect it to be hard at times and they are going to want to give up. They just need to know that when they feel that urge to give up is when they should keep coming and growing. There is no progress in the comfort zone. Something that is not the case with all group therapies is there might be more than one therapist.

  3. How effective would you say group therapy is? It is simply the best! It is really effective because there is other support around you of many individuals that have gone through the same trauma as you. They can be there to help lift you up when you need it the most during therapy. It creates bonds and friendships that can last a really long time. It is something special for sure.

  4. How have you seen a group help others heal? It brings new perspectives to individuals' minds and hearts. It helps the individual not keep it a secret anymore and really take their power back in their own lives. It releases the level of shame that the individual might have with the experience. the individual allows themselves to feel validated and that it was not okay what happened to them, it can help them to feel less alone. I love to use the phrase Victim, Survivor, to Thriver. That is what group therapy is really all about. to help an individual realize that they can be a thriver in their own lives again.

  5. Why do you think group is a good way to help others with their trauma? What makes it so effective? I think there are many reasons that group therapy is as effective as it is. The first would be it allows the individual to feel comfort and empathy from others that have literally been in their situation. It allows all of the group members to come together and lend a lifting hand of support to each group member. It is really amazing to watch and see throughout all the weeks that we all spend together.

  6. What has been your experience with leading a group therapy session? It truly is an honor to be able to lead group therapy and help these amazing individuals really tap into their worth and how much their lives matter. To see the light come back into their eyes after they have been through so much. I think it is just a really powerful experience to be a part of. I love my job!

  7. What do you like to tell your clients at the beginning of the group to get the most out of it? I like to tell the clients in group when they share anything in group, be authentic and push yourselves out of your comfort zone. Be themselves and share what they need to share in order to heal. Do your assignments that you are given each week. Keep confidentiality within the group members and really trust the process. It will be hard at times, but it will be worth it.


  1. Clinical therapist, specializes in group therapy


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